“It’s only by we ourselves forgiving others
that we ourselves can be forgiven".
That may be sensible and have allot more substantial meaning
to someone who is more devout than I myself am in the Christian
faith. Yet I have to admit that it’s mere word of worth as far as the
inner workings of the human psych and how our brains and
personalities compromise our guilt is of a major note of importance
and metal curvature of how we react to life. We can willingly
choose to be vindictive and judgmental and thus our lives
will naturally be filled with vindictiveness and prejudiced soap
operas. We can strive to forgive others, their wrongs perpetrated
upon us when we can find it possible, and without foolish pride
using that as self redemption and glorification, we "may" find
that we can have a lighter judgmental harshness on
ourselves as we note our sins in later days.
It brings to mind that as we go through our lives, we often forget
the importance of using principles and guidance in our daily activities.
As I have crawled so speedingly, creepingly toward my older years,
I’ve come to realize the importance of taking special note of little sayings
as this one, that seem to seep pertinent words of wit into the ingredients
that make small bits and pieces of sense and purpose in my life. I guess
as we get older and the end days of our existence on earth becomes more
of a reality, we tend to grasp the little stuff like this with more meaning.
Why we do this I'm not sure other than simplifying things by
nature are we able to better comprehend their altruistic meaning
for a more useful purpose. My mother, a devout Jehovah’s Witness,
never failed to grasp the word of her religion and somehow make a
monstrosity out of it, abusing inner self-disciplines and executing their
meanings in an all knowing god like way. It was as if she and her
inner cache and class within the denomination held secretive truths
to the one and only path towards God himself. Though in denial,
she executed that religion as if God Himself had seemingly bequeathed
and deemed to her the right to hold those teaching over one and all alike,
over my father and siblings, like some sharp two edge sword.
She told me once when speaking of my recently departed father at the time,
that he had grown closer to her “church” and had himself accepted
their teachings in his later-days of life. I knew within my inner
being that he had probably and most likely merely succumbed to her
astute mental will and most likely had claimed defeat just in order to
have at least a small amount of peace left in his life. Yet I pondered
if maybe he “had” in some way relinquished and surrendered merely
because he knew his final days were imminent somewhere down the road,
and wished to maybe find some resolve and forgiveness for certain deeds
or inner misgivings which weighed heavily on his heart.
With such reasoning used for the moment and as I mentioned before, we all
need those little sayings to make ourselves feel more at peace
with what we had chosen to have purposed upon others in our past.
Why we don’t grasp that handle of a more mellow and compassionate
life rather than returning the insults and inappropriate nature of others with
the same in similar reaction, I am not sure. We seem so committed to
insisting we are always right in what we do, as we scream down life’s road, and proudly carve out our paths with a heavy axe even with the lack of wisdoms and knowledge we can’t help but admit we failed to use during those days.
I suppose if we had possessed the memories of our wrongs to others
way back then as we walked along with a bit more fervor, merely
in the way we treated others in life, we would have listened to those
sayings more intently. No one will be able to call out "I'll pass" when
our own time comes to travel on to other supposed plains of existence,
or if our belief then merely enjoy the promise of a long needed, forever
rest and our conscience and consciousness comes to remembering that
we should have humbled ourselves a bit more, relinquishing to
wiser words of wit such as:
"It is the foolishness of our youth which weighs so heavily
upon our brow in the wisdom of our old age."